Welcome to the official website of the District Government of Upper Palatinate. We are one of a total of seven district governments in Bavaria. The General Administration of the Free State of Bavaria is divided into three levels. The district governments form the middle level between the state ministries and the local authorities. The history of the Bavarian government dates back to the early 19th century.
The district governments bundle and coordinate all of the main functions of the state in their respective administrative districts. They advise citizens and businesses, as well as councils and local authorities. They oversee the lower state authorities as well as the urban municipalities and rural districts.
Our website contains information about our many functions and services. You can also find the right contact person for your concern here. Simply click on the relevant heading.
Under “Functions” you will find information about the many areas of government responsibility, such as internal security, disaster management, local and social affairs. We are also responsible for promoting economic development, regional development and transport, as well as construction including buildings and roadworks. In the education sector, we are responsible for the organisation and staffing at primary, secondary, vocational and special schools. We also handle a wide range of environmental, health, veterinary and consumer protection matters.
The district governments are the state’s central funding agencies and are thus responsible for the numerous services and projects which receive this funding. These range from funding the local fire services, promoting urban development, funding children’s day care facilities and schools, supporting local road construction projects and hospitals to promoting environmental educational facilities and much more.
Affiliated with the governments are the labour inspectorates with their many functions, such as in the area of occupational health and safety.
As well as outlining our many responsibilities, the “Administrative district” section contains lots of supplementary information about our administrative district. In the “About us” section you will find further information about our district authority. The latest news can be found under “Press”.
Thank you for visiting our website!